06 oder 07 ?

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  • Hi,

    Sorry to write this up in English, but I'm from Belgium and my written German is not good enough for publication. Don't hesitate to reply in German though.

    I ave an eye on 2 Bobs, one from 05/06, the other one from 03/07. Both have a fair price. The only difference between them, apart from the engine change from TC88 to TC96, is that the 07 one has forward controls.

    I've done a (small) testdrive on both of them

    I have the following questions to help me decide between them :

    - I'm 1,83m. Are the forward controls preferable (during the test I found the forwards a bit awkward, but that's probably because I'm not used to them). I'd appreciate your comments.

    - I've seen reports, both on your site and on the American sites, of pinging (klingeln). In post "Geräusch beim Beschleunigen", people say they only have this on the 06 models. Is this confirmed in any way ?

    - Heat : because of the lean (mager) configuration of the fuel management during idle/cruising, the engine gets a lot warmer compared to earlier years. Does it bother you ? Is it a real problem in our climate ? Is there a difference in generated heat between the 06 (TC88) and 07 (TC96) engine ?

    - Do you know of any other differences I should be aware of (I know of the Primärgetriebe problem, but I'm not yet sure whether it was already solved in 05/06 models) ?

    Sorry for the long post, but I'd really want to get the best bike I can get for the money and you are the ones who know them.

    Hope to join you soon as an owner,



  • Hi,

    Zitat von timolien

    - I'm 1,83m. Are the forward controls preferable (during the test I found the forwards a bit awkward, but that's probably because I'm not used to them). I'd appreciate your comments.

    I'm 1,76 and I say YES! The standard footpegs hurts my knee after half an hour riding...

    Zitat von timolien

    - I've seen reports, both on your site and on the American sites, of pinging (klingeln). In post "Geräusch beim Beschleunigen", people say they only have this on the 06 models. Is this confirmed in any way ?

    I have a 07 Model and I have the pinging sometimes, too.

    Zitat von timolien

    - Heat : because of the lean (mager) configuration of the fuel management during idle/cruising, the engine gets a lot warmer compared to earlier years. Does it bother you ? Is it a real problem in our climate ? Is there a difference in generated heat between the 06 (TC88) and 07 (TC96) engine ?

    No it bothers me not. And if it's bother you then there are some usefull things to better ist (e.g. ThunderMax).

    If this decision would be mine I would take the 07 modell.

    best regards

  • Hello
    Iam driving a 07 Bob now for 5000km. I have had no problems with the engine I think it is a question of your stile of riding. If you always remember, that the bike is construkted at a time there were no motorways and that the american bikers are only alowed to drive 88km/h, you will have no problems. Always remember. You drive heavy metal and no japanese racer.
    I think the feeling of 06 and 07 is nearly the same. ok. the 07 has a little more power but that makes nearly no difference. But 07 has the sound management so I think it depends of the price. If the pricedifference is not great, I would prefer the 07. I have no forward control so I can´t say anything about this. I am 182 cm and have no problems with the standard footpegs.

    Much luck from Hamburg and join the forum family

    Hajo 8)8) :lol: :lol:

  • Halo timolien,

    i endorse Hajo and fxdb (inclusive the pinging - sometimes :shock: ).
    If the price is o.k. i suggest the 07er model.

    Best regards,


    Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add,
    but when there is nothing left to take away...
    (Antoine de St. Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939)

  • Ho timo

    the forward footpegs are very comfortable i am 178 cm tall. The original position was no good for me! You'll get used to ride with the feet in front.



  • Isn't it so that pinging will destroy your cylinder heads given enough time ?

    Untimely detonations in the cylinder must put your engine under some serious stress.

    No one having heat problems ?


  • Hoi Gert
    ik ben een ook een Vlaming en heb een TC88 van 2006.

    Het probleem van een te arm mengsel is al langer bekend zelfs al voor 06. Laat je niks wijsmaken dat het geen probleem zou opleveren, a.u.b.
    Vanaf de injectiemodellen heb je dus de steeds strenger wordende emissienormen die het merk parten speelt voor de toelating te blijven krijgen voor de import in Europa. Als je verandering doet in je uitlaat en luchtfilter ga je automatisch de cartridge moeten vervangen.Hoe meer je eruit wil halen, des te meer moet je erin stoppen. Beter nog is deze te vervangen door bvb. Thundermax, deze tuned zichzelf (Fred57 heeft deze en is er tevreden over) Sommigen beweren dat het niet nodig is om dat te doen omdat de 07 modellen O² sensors hebben, maar deze zijn niet doeltreffend genoeg om op alle gebied een goed mengsel te leveren. Zelf heb ik een powercommander met s&s en open filter en ben er tevreden over. Ik zou je aanraden het 07 model te nemen met de forwardcontrols op. De uitdraai van mijn testresultaat staat ergens in dit forum.

    The problem of the lean mixture was always a problem with all the injected engines because of the regulation for becoming the emision norm for import in Europa. When you make a change of exhaust or airfilter your cartridge does not make the sufficient and right fuel/air ratio any more. The more you want to get out, the more you must put in. Some say the O² sensors will do the the job but they are smallband sensors.
    This was with the 06, and also in the coming years. Some people and dealers claim it is not necessary but I can asure you that when you do not place a device ( I prefer the Thundermax >> ask Fred57 for furter notice) you'll never get lost of the rucklen and pinglin. Momentary I have the Powercommander and S&S exhaust and open filter.
    I recommend the 07 with the forwarded Pegs.

  • Thanks all for the answers. I'll go for the 07 then.

    Do you think adaptations are strictly necessary from the beginning ? To be honest my funds will be rather depleted because of the purchase of the bike. My old Yamaha is not worth much it seems.
    My plan was to drive the HD stock for at least a year, maybe two.
    Can you give an idea of the cost of the adaptations you made to overcome the heat/pinging ?



  • Gert,

    als er nog niks aan veranderd is, uitlaten en luchtfilter orgineel is er niks aan de hand.
    Vanaf je gaat veranderen is het noodzakelijk dat je een aanpassing maakt.
    Goede keus van de 07. :wink:

    If nothing is changed, exhaust & filter are original. No worries.
    The moment you make changes it's neccesary to adapt.
    Excellent choice of the 07. :wink:

    Hope to see you on the road. 8)

    exhausts =440 euro, airfilter =120 euro, PCIII =375 euro.

  • Hi Gert,

    I`ve paid roundabout 900 € for Exhaust, K&N Filter wth open groundplate, PC III and Mapping. I`m 1,87 m and the forward controls are more comfortable, in my opinion. My Bob is a 2007 and the modifications make it a new bike. More powerful, deep bass sound and nearly 1 1/2 ltr./100 km lower fuel consumption. :D


  • Thanks all for the input.

    I talked a bit with the dealer and they thought everything would be fine if I left the exhaust stock. (and if not, they agreed it would be a warranty case).

    I will delve into the customisation stuff later.

    I'll be picking up the bike tomorrow, so you can expect some first results in a couple of days.
